Chicago, IL, USA / 29. November 2015 - 04. Dezember 2015
RSNA 2015
Assistance system for needle-based procedures

Assistance system for needle-based procedures
At RSNA in Chicago Fraunhofer IPA and MEVIS present an assistance system for needle-based procedures. It consists of a robot with multiple tools including one for registration to the imaging system and a software program for planning the procedure. The workflow that we are aiming for is as follows:
The combination of the planning software and the robot execution ensures that the desired precision is achieved. It also speeds up the needle placement after the planning, because the robot can reach the correct position and orientation within seconds. A thorough understanding of the robot capabilities and application programming and has ensured this successful integration of planning software and robot hardware.
At RSNA Chicago, November 29 - December 4, we will present the planning software and demonstrate how the robot executes its positioning task when given a specific target.
Visit us at our booth in hall A, 4758F. To make an appointment with us, please write an email to Dr. Auguste van Poelgeest