Progress in medicine means making previously incurable diseases treatable or improving the clinical outcome of existing therapies, and speeding up the intervention itself.
This places high demands on medical personnel: more and more work has to be done in ever shorter time. As the department »Clinical Health Technologies«, however, we are convinced that modern technologies can provide crucial support to clinical personnel in meeting these contradictory demands. The central question we therefore ask ourselves is: "What will the tools of the physicians look like in the future?
Advances in minimally invasive techniques and the further development of imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are already enabling better treatments for strokes, heart attacks and cancer. With our strong competencies in digital technologies (machine intelligence, modeling & simulation, 5G communication standard, CAD design and 3D printing) and experience in clinical workflow and regulatory affairs, we are able to develop targeted solutions. These range from mechanical design and circuit development to the control algorithm of intervention and therapy systems. These include, for example, systems that make particularly difficult tasks easier for the physician or take them off his hands completely, such as the "man-machine team in the OR", the autonomous catheter manipulator ALICE or the robotic intervention assistant guidoo.