The Fraunhofer IPA department »Clinical Health Technologies« is part of the research campus M²OLIE through cooperative projects and joint research, which we would like to introduce in the following.
The M²OLIE research campus has set itself the goal of developing a patient-centered and time-optimized infrastructure for innovative tumor therapies. To this end, the entire patient journey is to be optimized: From admission to discharge, all areas are taken into account, in a so-called closed-loop process. This makes it possible to significantly shorten formerly long time sequences.
The success of the M²OLIE concept is to be ensured through close networking of medical research, natural sciences, engineering, computer science and business administration. In a multidisciplinary development center, new methods for molecular imaging, diagnostics and therapeutic intervention of patients with multiple metastases will be developed.
The patient at M²OLIE: The individual treatment path as a one-stop shop
The closed-loop process of M²OLIE starts with patient admission followed by the creation of the M²OLIE electronic patient record. A CBC is then ordered and a blood value analysis is performed. Solid and soft tissue can be examined in detail via imaging techniques such as CT and MRI, followed by an automated biopsy for tissue sampling. In a molecular biopsy analysis, the removed tissue samples are examined and evaluated in the laboratory. With the results, an appropriate form of therapy can now be determined in the tumor board. Now follows the individual minimally invasive therapy, after which the patient can be discharged with completed treatment.
The M²OLIE research campus offers scientists, young professionals and corporate partners from Germany and Europe a unique platform for interdisciplinary work on the infrastructure and processes for the intervention environment of the future. In doing so, it draws on the established infrastructure on the campus of the University Medical Center Mannheim and, at the same time, has new, state-of-the-art research facilities that were established on the campus during the first funding phase of M²OLIE. The Research Campus consists of three different collaborative projects, M²INT, M²IBID and M²DATA, and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework “Research Campus – public-private partnership for Innovation".