Fraunhofer IPA is one of the largest institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and was founded in 1959. The Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation employs nearly 1000 people. The research and development focus is characterized by organizational and technological tasks from production.
Methods, components and devices up to complete machines and plants are developed, tested and exemplarily used at the IPA. The 15 specialist departments of Fraunhofer IPA cover the entire field of production technology and are coordinated by six business units. The institute works on an interdisciplinary basis with industrial companies in the automotive, mechanical and plant engineering, electronics and microsystems technology, energy, medical and biotechnology, and process industry sectors.
• Battery production
• Biointelligent value creation
• Digital Transformation
• Frugal production systems
• Circular economy and climate-neutral production
• Artificial intelligence for production
• Lightweight construction and functional coatings
• Mass personalization
• Purity in production
• Resilient value creation
• Robot technologies and services
• Technologies for human-centered production