Sensors and measurement technology are key elements in the digitization of biomedical applications. They provide the input data for control, monitoring and evaluation. Bespoke senor solutions enable the collection of process data (e.g. temperature sensors, gas sensors and dielectric sensors) in-vitro or even in-vivo without influencing the corresponding process. Acquired data can processed online or offline for diagnosis, optimization or process modelling. Connected sensor technology enables optimized therapy (e.g. ventilation) and efficient process control.
At the Fraunhofer IPA department »Clinical Health Technologies« we develop innovative measurement technology for biomedical applications. These include new measurement techniques for both clinical and biotechnological applications as well as combined sensor technology for special applications. Innovative sensor technology can be tested quickly through our cooperation with clinical partners, thus creating fast iterations for development. Successful research projects, publications as well as patent applications underpin our long-standing expertise.